Invoicing and Collections

Sagiliti is well equipped to produce invoices that are backed by thorough assessment and analysis of all factors associated with utility billing in the geographical region of the property, which is crucial given that utility rates, regulations, fees, credits, deductions, tariffs and taxes vary by state, county and municipality. Outsourcing invoice generation to our experienced staff offers property owners the assurance of accuracy as well as ongoing monitoring and verification.

Sagiliti is often used by our multi-family clients to both invoice residents and collect payment for utility services - creating an arm’s length transaction from the property. Some clients prefer that we invoice for utility services and then load the resident’s ledger so they collect for these services with rent payments.

Sagiliti provides residential customers a variety of convenient ways to pay their utility bills including AutoPay enrollment, secure online payment options via credit card or direct bank account withdrawal, phone payments, and via US Mail.

Our team is well-aware that residents often have issues paying their utility bills. Sagiliti is an approved energy vendor with the Minnesota Department of Commerce, allowing us to receive energy assistance payments for residents, when needed. Our team works with many organizations to identify financial assistance for our client’s residents.

