Sagiliti Presented Regional Class 4 NCMSDC Award

Sagiliti, formerly JIT Services, recently won the Regional Award from the National Minority Supplier Development Council. This award is designed to recognize “Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American business enterprises for their business growth and development, operational success, support of other minority businesses and active participation in the community.”
The National Minority Supplier Development Council is one of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations that that seeks to advance business opportunities for certified minority businesses and connecting them to its corporate members. Medtronic, a member of NMSDC, nominated Sagiliti for this regional award.
After winning the regional award, Sagiliti is one of four organizations competing for the National Conference Award. Sagiliti is honored to be awarded by the North Central Minority Supplier Development Council. We will continue to strive to be a thought leader in our pursuit to champion diversity and sustainability to our community, region, and nation.